Fernando S. Goes, MD


Alexander Wilson Schweizer Fellow in Mood Disorders and Psychiatric Genetics

Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD – Resident

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD – Intern

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD – Doctor of Medicine

Brown University, Providence, RI – Bachelor of Science

Current Role

2024: Professor, Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2022 – Present: Director, Bipolar Disorders Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital

2021 – Present: Director, Mood Disorders Precision Medicine Center of Excellence, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

2020 – Present: Director, Mood Disorders Clinic, Johns Hopkins Bayview Community Psychiatry Program

2018 – Present: Associate Professor, Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2011 – Present: Co-Director of Research, Johns Hopkins Mood Disorders Center


Previous Experience

2008 – 2018: Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Bipolar Disorder and its Mimics: Diagnosis and Treatment for the Practitioner

The presentation on Bipolar Disorder and Anxiety focuses on the complexities of diagnosing and treating these intertwined mental health conditions. It highlights the significance of accurate diagnosis to distinguish between bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders, given their overlapping symptoms. The presentation outlines various treatment options, emphasizing the role of mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics in managing bipolar symptoms. Additionally, it discusses the importance of psychotherapy as a complementary approach, providing patients with coping strategies and emotional support. By detailing these methods, the presentation aims to inform healthcare professionals about integrated treatment strategies that consider the unique needs of individuals experiencing both bipolar disorder and anxiety. All physicians should attend this program.